<< Still alone.... >>
2006-10-18, 11:05 p.m.

WARNING: ADULT CONTENT. If you're going to be offended, stop reading now and close the window....

So Master was here this morning, and He really gave me quite a shock.

A couple of weeks ago i told Master that i was ready to commit to him fully. i would not hold anything back from Him. i also told Him that my lease was up December 31st and asked what i should do. i told Him that since i had submitted to him fully, normally i would expect to be told to give up my apartment and move in with Him. Because of His children, i said i knew this probably wouldn't be feasible. Well, Master told me this morning that He asked His children how they would feel about me living with them. You could have bowled me over with a feather. It did not surprise me that the idea was squashed by them pretty quickly, but the fact that He even asked them speak volumes about how He feels about me, about us.

Master's children, up to this point, thought i was a "friend". Because of the nature of his discussion with them, and with them knowing now that i would not have been sleeping on their couch, they now think of me as his "girlfriend". Of course, this isn't quite the case, but it would have appeared to be to them. i really gave the idea a lot of thought. i told him that part of me is disappointed. It would have been nice to come home to a family, even if i did get it in the most unconventional way. Alas, it appears i will continue to live here alone. It makes me sad - i'm tired of being alone. i will be meeting them at Thanksgiving. Should be interesting....

In other news, Master found someone on the BDSM website that he knows VERY well. His own sister has a profile. Boys and girls, can you say "AWKWARD"??

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